
julia b

13 Designs · 0 Likes

a living room with a couch, coffee table and a fireplace


Homestyler App for Mobile

Create My Own Design

Moody eclectic

My third design. So we have a fairly eclectic bedroom with seating area in a curvatious home featuring berry tones and deep greens, accented with hints of teal and shell pink. The wood tones are deep browns, with a mixture of smooth leather and soft plush velvets. Even on a gloomy rainy day, your interior feels warm and inviting, perfecting for nestling in something tasty.

This home design project - Moody eclectic was published on 2023-10-11 and was 100% designed by Homestyler Mobile App, which includes 23 popular, exquisite models

a living room with a couch, coffee table and a fireplace

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Comments (4)

  • avatar

    Henry Lee

    Good work!

    10 October

  • avatar

    Henry Lee

    Nice going.

    10 October

  • avatar

    Harper Happy

    You are good at design! Keep working on it!

    8 October

  • avatar

    Juan Manuel

    Keep working on it; you’re improving.

    8 October
