
julia b

13 Designs · 0 Likes

a living room with a fireplace and a large christmas tree


Homestyler App for Mobile

Create My Own Design

Moody Modern Victorian

My twelfth design. Set at the top of a clock tower, looking out behind the face, this elegant and a smidgeon over-the-top room envelopes you in warmth and luxury. Elaborate furnishings in glossy black and gilt finishes, layered and with soft sumptuous velvets and shimmering silks with loads of mood lighting. All you need now is a flute of champagne or a spot of tea.

This home design project - Moody Modern Victorian was published on 2023-10-13 and was 100% designed by Homestyler Mobile App, which includes 39 popular, exquisite models

a living room with a fireplace and a large christmas tree

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Comments (2)

  • avatar

    julia b @ afrah alwy 😍


    14 October

  • avatar

    afrah alwy 😍

    beautiful 😍

    13 October
