
julia b

13 Designs · 0 Likes

a painting of a girl and a dog in a room


Homestyler App for Mobile

Create My Own Design

Vintage Lover moodboard

My ninth design. Using the colour pallette given, this is for the vintage collector who just loves it all. This maximalist does not shy from a bit of MCM, a bit of boho, and more than a few antique decor pieces on display. This collector ties it all together through colours in earthy tones. They don't mind a bit of patina, and embrace well worn finishes that give their home an instant sense of character and warmth. Their home is always inviting, not fussy, and often a tiny bit messy, but in a satisfying way. Every nook has something new to discover. The rooms smell rich like leather, wood, citrus, and witha hint of old books.

This home design project - Vintage Lover moodboard was published on 2023-10-12 and was 100% designed by Homestyler Mobile App, which includes 17 popular, exquisite models

a painting of a girl and a dog in a room

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