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a horse drawn carriage in front of a building


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The Princess's date arrived early

Dfander2022, the elite Royal guardsman met him at the gate and readied his sword until Princess Kristen yelled out the window for him to halt (stop)🛑!
"He is my date! Do not harm him."
This was her first date and he arrived in his Lexus 453 carriage. This was the top of the line vehicle but he saved his shillings and was able to rent one on his town Bakers salary, impress the lovely princess and pick her up in style!
Dfander 2022, the valient Royal Guard lowered his sword but on orders from the King, kept it ready and by his side all the way until the young lad safely returned her Highness back to the castle safely at the end of their date!
The beloved Queen, Mary of Leschinskay, proudly looked on from her chambers and smiled at the suitor of her only beloved daughter. She relaxed, had a sip of bubbly and wrote down her thoughts and hopes for her daughter in her trusty journal!
The King, 👑 on the other hand privately drank ale and chained smoked until the Tower bells tolled letting him know his daughter, Princess Kristan was back at the palace!

This home design project - The Princess's date arrived early was published on 2023-09-26 and was 100% designed by Homestyler Mobile App, which includes 32 popular, exquisite models

a horse drawn carriage in front of a building

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