ajouter un étage

Celya 27 September

bonjour, je souhaite crée une maison mais je n'arrive pas à ajouter d'étage. est ce devenu payant ? j'ai pu crée des design avant et y ajouter des etages mais là je n'y arrive plus :(

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Celya 29 September
oh okay!! je ne savais pas, merci pour votre réponse :) @ Homestyler support
Hello, we kindly remind you that as a free member, you have 3 times chances on multi-floor editing, and after that, you are suppose to upgrade your membership to 'Pro' or 'Master' ot have the access:)
Homestyler support 29 September
Hello, we kindly remind you that as a free member, you have 3 times chances on multi-floor editing, and after that, you are suppose to upgrade your membership to 'Pro' or 'Master' ot have the access:)