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a large mirror in a room with a wall


Homestyler App for Mobile

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These are the basic opening types..

Dr Philips: ..that lead into the tunnel network. They may seem familiar to you. Our men sent me these pictures wich they made with their software. I tought you might be intrested to see these.
Veronica: I found the one in the middle.
Annie: I remember the little one and the one on the left.
Veronica: Now to think of it, I might remember the one on the left too. But it's a bit blurry memory.
Mom: I think I might have gone trough the midlle one, but there was this gab first.
Dr Philips: This gives the men important information to figure out how the tunnels connect to each other. And where the main source of the matter in the soil is.
Cindy: That's so fashinating.
Veronica: It sure is.
Annie: So do you know if they can do something with this information?
Dr Philips: Yes. They said they found a way to seal the main sources. And they think the tunnels might be a sight people would like to come see with guided tours.
Cindy: That sounds like it just would interest many travellers. And local people too.
Annie: I think so too.
Veronica: I myself am already very intrested.
Mom: Me too.
Dr Philips: I'm very happy this turned out to go well. I will give the men these information and they can get to work.
Mom: Thank you so much Dr Philips.
Dr Philips: It's my pleasure. This turned out to be a very intresting case.

This home design project - These are the basic opening types.. was published on 2024-03-05 and was 100% designed by Homestyler Mobile App, which includes 13 popular, exquisite models

a large mirror in a room with a wall

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