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a woman and a man sitting at a table with flowers


Homestyler App for Mobile

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So I did everything I could think of..

Dr Philips: ..as a doctor, and found nothing.
Mom: I'm so sorry. I know how much work you've done.
Dr Philips: Yes. But I said as a doctor.. We hired some men to research the underground tunnels and pools that are there where you used to live.
Annie: That sounds intresting.
Dr Philips: Yes. They found out something.
Veronica: What was it?
Dr Philips: The soil conteins this matter that in time becomes gasified. And that gas inhaled couses acute memoryloss. And it varys how longterm the influence is. Somewhere between few days to few years. In your case the influence was longer than I have ever seen.
Cindy: Oh wow.
Mom: We would never had guessed that.
Veronica: That's just amazing.
Annie: You can say that again..
Dr Philips: So now they have to deside wether to close those tunnels and pools or find some other way to make them harmless.
Cindy: I think it would be kind of sad to loose those pieces of history.
Veronica: Me too.
Annie: Could there be some way to save them?
Dr Philips: They are searching an answer to that as we speek. It may take a while, but they are doing their best.
Mom: That's good.

This home design project - So I did everything I could think of.. was published on 2024-03-05 and was 100% designed by Homestyler Mobile App, which includes 11 popular, exquisite models

a woman and a man sitting at a table with flowers

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