
Xxxmushrooms🍄🖤 .

45 Designs · 0 Likes


Homestyler App for Mobile

Create My Own Design

hey guys cmon let’s show addie some love ❤️

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This home design project - hey guys cmon let’s show addie some love ❤️ was published on 2022-02-24 and was 100% designed by Homestyler Mobile App, which includes 0 popular, exquisite models

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Comments (19)

  • avatar

    Xxxmushrooms🍄🖤 . @ Addi Michelle💙🎺📷

    Ahaha I think most people do 😂

    25 February 2022

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    I’m Bored

    Hey can u please do a zoom i did this cause u actually get notifications

    25 February 2022

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    Addi Michelle💙🎺📷 @ Addi Michelle💙🎺📷

    I get told I don’t act my age either, i think everyone tells kids that

    24 February 2022

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    Addi Michelle💙🎺📷 @ Xxxmushrooms🍄🖤 .

    Yeah, my birthday is coming up next month so I will be the big 13! I am super excited but then I have to go to the orthodontist that day, not excited for that

    24 February 2022

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    Xxxmushrooms🍄🖤 . @ Xxxmushrooms🍄🖤 .

    Oh I accidentally hit the send button but I was saying I dont act 14 😂

    24 February 2022

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    Xxxmushrooms🍄🖤 . @ Addi Michelle💙🎺📷

    Oh that’s actually not that far from my age I’m 14 but tottering

    24 February 2022

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    Addi Michelle💙🎺📷 @ Addi Michelle💙🎺📷

    But you are extremely good at drawing, you would totally make it into a gallery or art museum

    24 February 2022

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    Addi Michelle💙🎺📷 @ Addi Michelle💙🎺📷

    Sry, didn’t mean to bore you with my life

    24 February 2022

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    Addi Michelle💙🎺📷 @ Xxxmushrooms🍄🖤 .

    Lol, but you are extremely good. I am not really sure what I want to be, I wanted to be an accountant, but I am doubting that now, I kind of want to be a lawyer but I’m not sure really, but I have a few years since I am only 12

    24 February 2022

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    Xxxmushrooms🍄🖤 . @ Addi Michelle💙🎺📷

    Yes hopefully when I’m older well I mean I’m 14 so I guess it can’t be that long 😊

    24 February 2022
