Adding nother floor

Anthony Bennett 13 сентябрь

I am trying to add another floor above the ground floor. The upper floor is not the same size (does not shaeer the same footprint) as the ground floor. I cannot delete the sections of wall and floor that are not needed for the upper floor. As an example if the ground floor is 10-metres x 5-metres and the upper floor is 5-metres x 5-metres I cannot delete the wall sections and floor area from the upper floor that are not required. Can anyone advise on how I may be able to do this

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Homestyler membership
Homestyler support 14 сентябрь
Ok, you may enter 'Edit Floor' on 2F, and drag the spots to the side you want them to : @ Anthony Bennett
HI, Thanks for getting in touch. I want to get rid of the floor area to the right of the wall that has been re-positioned. If I drag the wall to the left the floor area to the right of it remains. It appears that it's not possible to get rid of this using floor editor for the upper floor; nor by any other method I could think of.
Anthony Bennett 14 сентябрь
HI, Thanks for getting in touch. I want to get rid of the floor area to the right of the wall that has been re-positioned. If I drag the wall to the left the floor area to the right of it remains. It appears that it's not possible to get rid of this using floor editor for the upper floor; nor by any other method I could think of. @ Homestyler support
Hello, You may adjust the wall seperately on 2D view:
Homestyler membership
Homestyler support 13 сентябрь
Hello, You may adjust the wall seperately on 2D view:
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